Interns wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant Danger. Safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success.
“Nicole is recognized as the very best young talent agent. Amazing talent and clear, professional representation. The time I spent working with her as an intern was an absolute pleasure and opened many doors (and even some windows).”
Agency Internships That Don't Suck
We provide our interns with the ability to walk out of our office at the end of their term and be ready for the working world. We provide interns with knowledge of what being a representative in the entertainment industry is really all about. From the submission process to major contract negotiation, you'll be exposed to it all. Not just wanting to be a coffee go-fer? This is the place to be.
What We've Achieved
We can brag that the majority of interns who leave our office move onto actual paid occupations in the entertainment field.
Some of our interns have even become leaders in the industry working at major studios.
Our interns make excellent connections in the field since we allow them more overall interaction with the industry professionals we work with daily.
Our interns do more! They leave us with a multitude of real life career skills.
We actually allow our interns to apply the skills they have already acquired and use them every day. The only limit our interns have is their own ability and internal drive. If you want to get your foot in the entertainment industry door, this is the place.
“Nicole is the best agent mentor in the business. She set the guardrails and gave me the tools, time, and training to work real deals.”